Monday, July 4, 2011

My Reshaping it All Journey...Day Sixty-two - sixty-five.

This is my last post for the Reshaping It All online event. I can’t believe it has been 65 days!! Sorry I haven’t posted for the past 4 days. Friday was Canada Day here and we went out to the lake for a surprise get together for my cousin and his gf that graduation and it was also a farewell for an exchange student that was staying with them. It was a ton of fun! 
Saturday we went to a Berry festival. It is every year in a little town and there is music and different vendors and tons of food and stuff like that. I bought a change purse thing that someone made with beads. It has Mario on one side and Luigi on the other. I just had to have it! 
Sunday was sooo hot! We went to church, I went shopping, my brother and I had a water fight and then I did homework and watched the game. 
Today I cut the grass, did homework, and dad and I rode our bikes downtown and back. It was a hard ride coming back but that’s good! It was a good workout. :)
So with all that went on this weekend, I didn’t eat the best. I tried to do as good as I could with portions and to get exercise and stuff like that. For example at the lake to cut back I had my burger plain, no bun or anything and it was good! Also instead of just sitting around and talking the whole day, my brother and I went for 2 walks and played Frisbee. 
 I have learned quite a bit during these weeks:
- I really think about what I put in my body before I do it. I try and think “is it really necessary that I do this?” Something Candace stresses in her book.
-Little good choices add up! 
-If I mess up, don’t give up! I am really hard on myself sometimes and I am learning to move on from mistakes and that I can make awesome choices after a not so good one and still end up with success. 
Although I didn’t lose a ton a weight these couple months (I did lose some though yay!), I feel like I have learned a lot. This is an ongoing thing and hopefully eventually I will not struggle with food as much as I do sometimes. I will still be blogging about my Reshaping It All progress, probably weekly or something. I think checking in will keep me more accountable. So you will be hearing more about this. ;) Have a good night y’all! Oh and Happy July 4th to everyone in the USA! :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

My Reshaping it All Journey...Day Sixty and sixty-one

Just a really quick entry. This even is quickly coming to a close and unfortunately I am not being as productive as I wanted this week. It has been so busy! My cousins graduation was yesterday and I worked, today I had a hair appointment, had a potluck lunch at work for someone that is leaving, work on some gifts, then my friend came over tonight. 
So needless to say, when I am busy I sometimes tend not to eat as good as I should. Actually yesterday wasn’t too bad. I mostly had fruit and for supper I made turkey burgers, which I had without the bun. I cheated a bit at work and when I got home.
Today I had some Bran cereal and then for the potluck lunch I tried to do as good as I could. I just took a little bit of everything and tried to take more of the healthier stuff. And I only had a tiny piece of cake! For supper I had a leftover turkey burger. For my snack just now I had macaroni salad hahha-not the best thing to eat for a midnight snack. :/
Remember to enter the contest on! Only 3 days left to enter!